The Argentine coach said that Leo has his head well furnished and Guardiola felt that "it was very smart to protect him and surround him with other players."
In addition Sabella spoke of another factor to Messi, "Guardiola has been very important. It was very smart to accompany, encourage, protect and has been very important to surround him, place him in the company of players around him. "In short, Leo is "an extraordinary player, the best ever, with all the odds to succeed."
In recent times, the crack has achieved something that eluded him, earning the respect and admiration unanimous in Argentina, "the sports increasingly spend more to cover Messi, exceeding any national sports news, and is above all of us. The Argentines have always been very picky about football, but it is increasingly recognized that it is doing well, "concluded the coach. (via SPORT)
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